Brand: Vitro

Product Code: vitro-giloy-powder-100g

Availability:3 In stock

R 45.00 45.00


  • Description

    About the Product

    Giloy Gulvel Powder (100g) from Vitro Naturals has a wide range of therapeutic properties. Ayurvedic herb Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia) or Amrita. Has a lot of medicinal qualities. hygienically prepared and 100 percent pure and organic. Giloy Powder has many advantages: Giloy is an antipyretic. It's used to treat a variety of fevers. It's used to treat life-threatening diseases like Dengue Fever. Also treats swine flu and malaria.


    Giloy Stem Powder

    How to Use

    Take 3g powder, mix with water & consume twice daily. You may add honey/jaggery. For better results, use it for 6 months.

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