Nutrapoorna Little Millet 1Kg |BB:AUG.2025
Nutrapoorna Little Millet 1Kg |BB:AUG.2025
Brand: Nutrapoorna
Availability:3 In stock
R 63.00
R 70.00
Little Millet is mostly consumed as rice. Any recipe that demands staple rice can be prepared using little millet. It has the smallest grain so it cooks faster than the other millets.
Its high fiber helps to reduce the fat depositions in the body.
Nutrapoorna Little Millets are special among grains as they are unpolished, nutritious, gluten-free, non-sticky and non-acid-forming.
Little Millet (Panicum miliare), one of the small millets, is called kutki in Hindi, sava (Marathi), gajro (Gujrati), same (Kannada), samai (Tamil), and samalu (Telugu).