Brand: India Bazaar

Product Code: ib-rice-poha-thin-500g

Availability:Out of stock

R 27.00 R 32.00 27.00
  • Description

    About the Product

    Poha is smaller in size, prepared by flattening the dehusked rice. It gets its texture and rectangular shape from less beating. It is highly nutritious enriched with Vitamins A & C, calcium, carbohydrates. Its easy to digest, soft to chew and takes little time in cooking. It gives good energy as it contains low saturated fat which does not affect your cholesterol levels.

    Poha is preferred for making traditional poha dishes like Kanda Poha, aloo poha as it does not stick when soaked in water. It can also be used with Milk and Sugar or Cooked to Create Poha, Desserts, Upma. It Can Also Be Fried to Create Delicious Snacks.

    How to Use

    • Soak it in water for 2-3 minutes.
    • Drain the water and add flakes to the pan. 
    • It can be fried with spices and chilly to make a hot and tasty dish or it can also be mixed with milk and sugar to make sweet preparation.
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